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I feel disapointed, 9/10 game bc 

1. He said no when I asked him out

2, no good endings :c , but thats also a reason I liked it, so...


so , tehe, about the tiktok where you will make a separate game where you get to date him...? smile smile 😌😌





theres a discord server 4 it? :0 can you send the link for it???



i wanna get laid by cro so bad beo

also i loved the game very interesting and cool


I know we all wanted to get laid..😭


ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE GAME. I still wanna get laid by the yandere (Cro 😍😍) tho lolllll
i LOVE. the artstyle. its so pretty like omfg and yeah, great game in general!! hope u have more time to give it more ending or smth but yk take ur time!! ♡


Was very funny. I enjoyed a lot. Also wanted to get laid lmao

Amazing game, 8/10 mostly because no madder what you do you either leave empty handed or you die, but other then that I would totally recommend it.      

(1 edit)

I really liked ending 4 lmao


I laughted so badly at ending 4 omg. 

Pretty cool game!

I love it! :D 

i'm so sad that we couldn't save the friend lolol :( hopefully they aren't dead in the basement somewhere?? this was super fun to play!!!

why u spoil :(

wont work


you can control click and press open, it should open then :)

Figured it out, thanks!!

system preferences --> security and privacy
at the bottom theres a little notw and click "open anyways"



I love the art style. I expected Cro to be obsessed with the player but this much better then that. Amazing game. Love the song at the 5th ending.


played it with my friend over discord, wanted to get laid by the yandere, failed, was heartbroken i was the rival of the yandere's love, and my friend asked if i was getting a "yandere divorce" while i was saying how broken hearted i was. this was amazing though also i really hope there's a sequel where you play as the bestie or else im going to have to simply wish there was a 6th ending to eliminate the best friend and keep the yandere to yourself..joking, or am i? this was a really fun game though :)


Also wanted to get Laid by the Yandere


make more right know please and thank u :) 

Loved the art and game, made in night 1 too? A 5 star is deserved.

This is a really cool idea! Nice job for making it in a day!!

I just saw your tiktok the other day and I think Petunia is so cute, I really like her design ^^

this is the coolest short game i played! was streaming it on twitch n my audience also had so many theories for the true end! in the beginning was convinced Cro is my yandere n my friend got in the way, thats why he got rid of them hahahah :)))  ANYWAYS, my audience loved the game to the point where we had to discuss its end for a hot minute, even while going through other game <3 THANKS!!!

Hello, I'm Nagasari Ferrea and I'm a Malaysian VTuber. May I stream this game on YouTube and suggest it to my fellow VTuber friends?

*Spoiler-avoiders, beware! 

Came here from Manly’s playthrough, and figured I could put in my two-cents. For a game made in one night, this is very impressive!

Liked the art style, the unique perspective, and I found Cro’s characterization refreshing, tbh. A lot of similar games have their yandere antagonist be obviously unhinged or at least drop very obvious hints. By contrast, this game makes it clear that Cro seems like a perfectly normal guy - which often makes for the most dangerous and terrifying villains; those that put on a convincing act, but on the inside are cold, calculating and seemingly always one step ahead. 

Which makes me wonder why exactly he resorted to kidnapping in the first place. He’s clearly infatuated with MC’s friend, but I’m really hoping there’s more to it than “if I can’t have you no one will”, or rather that there’s more reasoning behind the mindset. A lot of the time, all it takes is a simple misunderstanding and suddenly the protag ends up getting kidnapped. Cro’s a smart fella. He doesn’t seem like he would act that drastically over something trivial. 

Overall, a short (reasonably so) but interesting game - keep up the good work!

My god I was not expecting that twist. I was so shocked but man, now I have some sort of theories. But I do love Cro's design and the mysterious nature about him! Great visual novel, the short length was just great to tell the story as well as the endings (though I am in pain with Ending 4).

Oh my, I quite enjoyed this! Thank you for it. Making any game is amazing to me but making one in one night my goodness I hope you have caught up on your sleep lol. I can't wait to play more games by you! Bravo C2PHOS Bravo!

Very cool game! Hope yall exåpand on it or keep working on new ones! Good devs!

Many people already played this, and now here we are. A quite good game, could be a bit more creepy, but it was fun. Keep up the good work. We ask ourselves what really happened to our friend. Is she still alive?

just wondering, what did you use to make a title screen music?


*Slams hand on table* CREATOR!!!:D

I have been stuck in a writing slump due to career stagnation. Watching ManlyBadAssHero's playthrough of your short game rekindled a FIRE in me for writing fanfiction consistently! I literally wrote the whole thing in one sitting. I don't know if I did the characters justice, honestly, but I tried! It's just an AU fanfic full of headcanons, short, but I wanted to see Petunia kick some yandere...*Coughs* 

Either way, I posted the fanfic on AO3 under my penname (TheNightWatcher) with the title of 'Purple Resentment'!I have no idea how to properly search for it on AO3 since it's a new fandom/first fandom fic. I just thought you should know. Since!! Regardless of how short your game was, I had a blast! ovo

It has been a long time since I wanted to fist-fight a character due to their audacity.

Thanks again for the game! My favorite part was ending 5. ^^


now i need a dating sim with cro dont ask why


we all know why...

and we don't blame you-


i agree sm


This game was really fun and the music was great too. Honestly, for one day to make this, it's a 10/10. I've played quite a few games like this and I really enjoyed this one. I absolutely love ending 4 and 5, I really hope you expand on this game but if not, this was an excellent game to play. 10/10


I really liked this little game it was short, refreshing and very well written. I would defiantly be open to play anymore of your games in the future. 10/10


-Made a Video (24:30 / 2nd Game).

"Very cool game, I really like the background and the quietness this game has. I really wish there was some kind of a good ending in this game, but I guess getting out of the house is kind of a good ending too."

i really liked this one it wasnt too long that it felt like a drag to get all endings, it was well written and the art is fantastic i only wish there was an ending where cro was caught but all in all great visual novel, gameplay above if you enjoy be sure to hit that sub button guys! 

I don't have a windows device. Can you please make an android port of this game?

schöne Story

loved it short yet interesting story about a missing friend 

This game is great, but really freaky. 10 out of 10




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